Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dione McCray, 39,San Francisco,Executive

If you are serious about losing weight, even if you are not "into" fitness, M2 Fitness Pros can really help you.

When I decided to "get healthy" and lose some much needed weight, my fitness routine consisted of walking to my mailbox and cocktail hour -- and if it should rain, cocktail hour was postponed -- and reading mail was never high on my list of things to do.

Six dress sizes later... I am beginning to rebuild my wardrobe and I am really enjoying all of the new found attention!!

I have learned to suffer through thier workouts for the greater good!!!
You should consider M2 if you are SERIOUS about making a change.

M2 has been a great help to me.

-Dionne, size 10 and shrinking

some add'tl thoughts about

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